On Tuesday 17 October 2006 21:10, Michael Fothergill shared this with us all:
>--> Dear Debian folks,
>--> I have installed Debian on my PC here.  

Which Debian? Sarge, Etch or Sid?

>It runs a 1200MHz Athlon CPU and 
> has --> one 20GB disk on it with Fedora Core 5 on it and now after deleted
> Windows a --> second disk (primary) which is 40GB in size has now got the
> Desktop Debian --> installation on it.
>--> At least I think it does.
>--> I have a few questions about the installation process.
>--> I spent quite a while downloading the 15 or so CD iso images from mirror
>--> site using wget and bittorrent (bittorrent was a waste of time - not
> enough --> fellow downloaders).
>--> I then burnt them to CDs and checked them for integrity one by one with
> the --> Debian installer.
>--> I installed the OS a number of times but I got problems getting the X
>--> windows to work.

As root:-
apt-get install x-window-system-core
apt-get install x-window-system

>--> At the moment the OS is there and boots etc but only in command line
> mode. -->


>--> But before talking about this I have some other queries.
>--> When I loaded up the installer it automatically found and configured mu
>--> cable broadband.  It looked as though it made use of this to download
> some --> security upgrades while installing from the CDs.
>--> After I got through the partitioning and base install (it never has a
>--> problem with this) I got to the reboot and the tedious entering of
> passwords --> for root and the user.


>--> I then rebooted and fired up the OS.  

Why reboot again?

>At this stage it tells you to put 
> the --> first CD in.  It scans through it for what it calls index files. 
> It then --> comes at you with a cryptic instruction that says something
> like "If you --> have another CD in your install set please put it in now
> and get it --> scanned".  Well, I've got 15 of them......

Lucky, I have 19 and had a friend download them about 6 weeks ago, maybe 
longer, because I am on dial up.

>--> We are not talking feather linux here.
>--> So I experimented with this in a number of installs.  I found that if
> you --> scanned three of the fifteen CDs it seemed to be able give you the
> option of --> installing the Desktop install and the other five or so
> installs webserver, --> print server, donut server, Ronald Reagan neocortex
> server etc, and it then --> seemed to be able to finish the rest of install
> with some bugs in the font --> installation and some other quirks but
> basically it seemed to work. -->

Depending what you want as a window manager etc.. You have to scan 10
apt-cdrom add

>--> But if you tried to only scan one disk it then omitted the Desktop
> install --> option and only presented you with a choice of the remaining
> five.  If you --> tried to install then it worked ok but of course there
> was no XWindows at --> all just the command line.
>--> I then tried instaling again and this time I made a mistake of scanning
> the --> first binary twice before the others.  Then there was a problem
> with the apt --> get installation which was fatal and it had to be
> abandoned.
>--> How many of these CDs should be scanned at this stage for index files?
>--> All fifteen?

Would be good, but at least 10
>--> I wish I had a DVD player on this machine.
>--> I installed again and scanned the first four of the CDs this time and
> then --> installed the Desktop.  My video card is an SiS 630/730 according
> to Fedora. -->   I put SiS in at what I think was the video card
> manufacturer choice --> setting in install.

What comes up as default? Try vesa?

>--> There was then some stuff about Power PCs and video card bus
> identifiers.  I --> do not know what the bus identifier is for the video
> card on this machine --> and I am not sure how to determine this.
>--> But  it seemed as though it only wanted the video bus identifier to be
>--> entered if you were using an Apple PowerPC not an ordinary PC like mine.
>--> So I left it blank.  Please let me know if I was wrong here.
>--> I got to the mouse autoconfiguration bit.  I tried this but maybe it
> didn't --> work properly.  It sounded like it thought I had a serial mouse
> but I think --> I have a 3 button PS mouse.....

psaux or something like this?

>--> I think I should reinstall and then choose manual configuration of the
>--> mouse.  But maybe there is a way fire up the mouse installation routine
> from --> the command line interface in my current install which does boot
> and run (if --> you think this install is OK based on scanning only the
> first four of the 15 --> CDs for index files).

Nope..... probably enough for the mouse
>--> If you could give me the CLI command for this this would be useful.
>--> I also did what I could do configure Xwindows but was not successful it
>--> seems.

as root:-
dpkg-reconfigure x-window-system

>--> The monitor I use is a 15 inch CRT Belinea device.   Belinea is not a
>--> manufacturer that X seems to know much about.   But I have got X work OK
>--> with it in Fedora.
>--> I don't know the horizontal and vertical refresh numbers for it.  But
> maybe --> I could use Fedora to tell me them and then put high quality
> information --> into Debian when configuring Xwindows for it.
>--> Suggestions here are welcome.

Select reasonable resolutions during the above reconfigure

>--> When I tried startx I got a little cross and a little box in the middle
> of --> the screen that said things like "Xsession unable to start X no
> home/mikef --> .xsession file or Xsession file, no window manager, no
> terminal emulators --> found; aborting.
>--> Comments welcome here.

apt-get install [window manager]

to discover which are available

apt-cache search window-manager

or something like that
>--> The log messages before X tried to start contained things like"failed to
>--> acquire AGP,AGPdisabled, xf86 open serial cannot open device" etc....
>--> Comments welcome.
>--> How do I run the Xwindows configuration again using the CLI in the
> install I --> have if it is good enough?

dpkg-reconfigure x-window-system
>--> Do I have to reinstall again and then configure Xwindows again there to
> get --> it to work?
>--> Where can I get Fedora to remind me the mouse type I have precisely for
> the --> aid of Debian?
>--> Regards,
>--> Michael Fothergill


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