On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 12:47 +0000, Jason Spiro wrote:
> I envision such a tutorial would split the screen, like GNU Screen or
> Vim can. It would show instructions in the top half and show a shell in 
> the bottom. It would watch the commands you type (perhaps by changing
> your PATH to use modified versions of the commands) and teach you ls,
> cd, mkdir, cp, mv, and such. It would also teach you how to start vi,
> go into insert mode, leave insert mode, and quit with :x<Enter>.
> Does such a thing exist?
> If not: If I were to make up such a thing, GPL it, and package it, and
> if it were good, do you think it might get shipped with Debian?
> Do you think they might put in a little plug for it for people who
> type newbie commands like "help" or the DOS commands "del" or "ren" in
> the Bash shell?

Sounds like a great idea!

Sven Arvidsson
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