cothrige wrote:
> I was wondering about the best way to start iptables with each boot in
> Debian and so I did some googling.  I found a Debian Wiki and it gave
> instructions concerning update-rc.d, but this requires a script for
> iptables in init.d and this does not exist.  At least not in my
> system.  Can anyone give me a quick idea of the "correct" way to start
> iptables at boot?  I suppose I could just add something to rc.local,
> but I was sort of assuming there was a more appropriate way.

If you are running your own firewall script (as opposed to using
something like shorewall) then you can do:

(assuming your script is /etc/init.d/

# cd /etc/rc2.d
# ln -s ../init.d/

Hope this helps,

George Borisov

DXSolutions Ltd

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