On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 10:30:49AM -0700, Ross Boylan wrote:
> My system got in a broken state in which it could not mount some
> disks.  I had patched the evms libraries to correct a problem, and
> then overwrote them with an updated Debian package (which
> unfortunately lacked the patch).
> I wanted to dpkg -i my_old.deb (that will work, even for a downgrade,
> won't it?), but dpkg said
> dpkg: unable to access dpkg status area: No such file or directory

To install a package with a broken dpkg, try the instructions here:

If you still have /var/backups, you'll find several backups of dpkg's
status file there.

Also look at:

> The status area was on one of the evms disks.
> I used dpkg-deb to unpack the .deb file and copied the single file I
> needed over the newer one.  Is there a better way to do this?  Is
> there any way to run dpkg -i when the directory it needs is gone?
> Thanks.


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