On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 05:24:26PM -0500, Russell L. Harris wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 03:25:11PM -0600, Paul E Condon wrote:
> There is much confusion concerning Procmail recipes among those who have 
> written Procmail 
> HOWTOs, so beware!  You do NOT need to create a ".forward" file.  The 
> quickest and easiest way to 
> understand Procmail recipes is to print out the man pages PROCMAIL, 
> Note the distinction between "TO" and "TO_", and note that, with maildir, you 
> do NOT need locking 
> (via ":") in the procmail recipes.  Note that, typically, you need to escape 
> only the "." in 

Hi Russell,
I have mail files like:


and if I change to maildir, I think it would become:


which if I understand it would be like:


so how do I avoid that or how should I alter the name "debian.user"?
Maybe debian-user?
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