On (03/11/06 09:56), Bruno Boettcher wrote:
> Hello!
>  i am battling with an architect and a construction engeneer, and both
>  are most of the time unable to give me the informations i want, and
>  both don't give me some sort of digital version of the plans of my
>  house...
>  nevertheless i need some inforations and thus have decided to draw up
>  again the whole plans of my house, and a looking for a suitable program
>  to do this.
>  Having worked years ago with some infamous CAD program on an
>  unspeakable platform, i was looking into freshmeat to find soething
>  comparable, but at the oment i am having trouble to find something
>  suitable....
>  apart from drawing the plans in 2D it would be nice to also have the 3d
>  information (not for compiling nice images though...)
>   i have different circuits (electrical, ethernet, water, sewer,
>       aspiration) and i want to be able to handle them as definite
>   entities, means they are not the same as some walls and switch their
>   visibility on and off
>   ideally the thing should be smart enough to compile me the meters of
>   pipe/cable i need in totality (that's where the 3D info kicks in)
>   same for copiling the surfaces of walls internally and externally to
>   be able to buy the correct amount of color and protection ciment...
>   does something able to do at least part of that stuff exist for linux?
>   and hopefully be free?
Have you looked at qcad:

Description: A professional CAD System
 With QCad 2 you can easily construct and change drawings with ISO-texts
 and many other features and save them as DXF-files. These DXF-files are
 the interface to many CAD-systems such as AutoCADR and many others.
     Homepage: http://www.ribbonsoft.com/qcad.html

It's in debian



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