Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
On Fri, Nov 03, 2006 at 02:47:21PM -0600, Russell L. Harris wrote:
At this point, I am receiving mail, but no mail is being sent.
The package chain is as follows:

INCOMING MAIL: pop3 server @ my ISP --> getmail4 --> maildrop --> [maildir] --> mutt

OUTGOING MAIL:  smtp server @ my ISP  <--  exim4  <--  mutt
Did you configure exim for a smarthost? did you specify the smarthost
in /etc/exim4/passwd.client?

I have an ADSL connection with DHCP, so my ISP does not require authentication for outgoing mail.

I think the problem may be that I do not understand the Debian configuration dialogue for exim4. The dialogue asks whether to hide the local name in outgoing mail; I replied "no", inasmuch as it doesn't matter to me if someone knows that I am writing mail from "hamlet" or from "othello", which are, respectively, the desktop and laptop machines here in my LAN named "homedomain". But perhaps I misconstrue the question. Should I tell exim to make it appear as if all mail emanates from "", which currently is my ISP? ("" is the smarthost.) If so, then what happens when I tell mutt to place "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" in the From: line of outgoing messages sent in the course of business?


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