Ron Johnson wrote:
> But because of their lock on the desktop, they also have incredible
> userland and developer mindshare.

    You sure?  I had a rather interesting conversation at work the other day.
 I work at a casino outside of Vegas and the guy in charge of what technology
we use for our property came up to me and asked, "You're good at Linux, right?
  Perl, Python scripting?"


    "Good.  We can do a lot with Linux for very little cost.  Certainly
something we're looking at."

    Casinos out here are 2 things.  AS400 (ne iSeries) and WinServers.  My jaw
about hit the floor when he said that.  We just got our first Linux server in
the DC (Red Hat, booo) but the experience with it was good he's seriously
looking at other uses we can apply Linux.  Granted we're not going to throw
Linux at any AS400 application (which is pretty much anything to do with the
floor or hotel) but a lot of our secondary services, the meat 'n 'taters of
the infrastructure is really OS neutral.

    Granted it doesn't happen everywhere but if a tech. guy is worth his salt
he'll understand that just as his server OS ain't going to be ideal for the
desktop chances are his desktop OS ain't gonna be the best for his servers.

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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