On Sun, Nov 05, 2006 at 07:04:28PM +0100, Mathias Brodala wrote:
> Hello Kevin.
> Kevin Mark, 05.11.2006 19:03:
> >> That means: if you want a monolithic X-server, you can have one with Xorg 
> >> too.
> > 
> > So its possible to have a monolithic Xorg X server. Debian does not package 
> > one. Who does?
> How about Debian[0]?

But that was the 6.8. Which was after the XFree86 that shipped with
Sarge when Xorg was being transitioned to the current modularized form
which is what will be shipped with Etch. We dont do that now. I was
asking who now ships one now?

> (I would have accepted your statement if was the following:
> Kevin Mark, 05.11.2006 03:08:
> > One of the major differences between XFree86 and [the current] Xorg is the
> > use of modularized source.
> )
My point was that XFree86 is not modularized because the project did not
and will not allow that. It was only possible with the birth of a new
project that allowed that and had that goal in mind: xorg.

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