Hi Stephan,

debian-user-german kennst Du auch? Nur nebenbei, Du bist hier natürlich
genauso willkommen.

> I successfully downloaded Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 r3 "Sarge" - Official i386
> Binary-1 and burned it on a bootable CD-R.
> My computer (i386) was able to boot from this CD and installed a 'basic'
> system (Germany Time, Keyboard, Desktop partion, ect.)
> Unfortunately I have no Linux background and I am not able to install
> further packages?!

In Debian, you generally do not compile all the packages yourself
(unlike Gentoo, for example). Debian has a very good package management
system which is built on two important programs: dpkg and apt.

dpkg is responsible for installation of .deb files and can tell you upon
installation whether the package is ready to use or whether you need to
install additional packages ("dependencies") as well. In most cases, you
do not need to use dpkg directly.

Apt (and the many programs that use it, like aptitude, synaptic and
whatnot), on the other hand use dpkg to install/remove packages but take
the burden of dependency resolution off of you. So, for example, when
you tell apt to install KDE, it installs all the packages necessary to
run KDE (which may be many).

To do this, apt uses "package repositories" and remembers from which
repository it can get which package (and which version). The list of all
package repositories is in /etc/apt/sources.list. Usually, this file
contains mostly internet servers, but CD-ROMs and special places in the
file system work as well. Since the content of servers change over
time, you have to regularly run "aptitude update" (or "apt-get udpate",
but I advise you to use aptitude).

Installing packages is as easy as typing "aptitude install
$packagename", removing them works by "aptitude remove $packagename". If
you don't know the exact name of a package, you can use "apt-cache
search $term1 $term2" which searches the package database (package names
*and* their description"). If you need details about a program (full
description, dependencies etc.) run "apt-cache show $packagename".

> My thinking was to download the first three ISO Binary images 31r3 on CD and
> start from there but it looks like that the right format is .deb or tar.gz.
> It was possible to unzip tar.gz files but after ./configure some error
> messages were displayed telling me compilers ect. are missing.

As I said, you do not need to tinker with these files yourself. It's
been some time since I installed a sarge system, but as far as I know,
the Debian installer should have asked you whether you own any
additional CDs (apart from the one you booted from) with Debian packages
on it. That would have taken care of adding your CD-ROMs to your

But if you skipped that question, it's not too late. You can run
'apt-cdrom add' (as root) to tell apt about your CDs.

> They make it easy just to mount CD1, CD2, . but I would like to build the
> system from scratch. 

I am not sure what you mean by that. Do you mean bootstrapping a minimal
system and compiling the rest of it yourself? -I guess this is possible
with Debian, but I cannot comment on it. If you just want to do a
regular install of a minimal system and then only install strictly what
you need, this should be quite easy once you know Debian's package

> If there is any book you can recommend, please, do so!  English books are
> welcome!

<http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals> contains more than you can read
in a whole week, but I admit that it is a little bit hard to find good

When I am at nightclubs I enjoy looking at other people and assessing
their imagined problems.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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