On Wednesday, 08.11.2006 at 14:17 +0100, Rohrbach Andre wrote:

> <VirtualHost *:80>
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/bugzilla
>         ServerName bug.domain.ch
> </VirtualHost>
> [...]
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> Not Found
> The requested URL /cgi-bin/bugzilla/index.cgi was not found on this
> server.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -----
> That should I do to get Bugzilla working?

Bugzilla is failing here because Bugzilla resides in *two* locations,
under /var/www (which you've configured), but also under
/usr/lib/cgi-bin (which you haven't).

I think you need to add a /cgi-bin alias to the virtual host
specification for Bugzilla.

Something like:

   ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/

(change the latter path depending on where Bugzilla's files actually
live - I've reconfigure my setup slightly so can't tell you the exact
packaged setup!)

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