On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 05:57:13PM -0500, Rick Pasotto wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 05:43:53PM -0500, Kevin Mark wrote:
> > On Fri, Nov 10, 2006 at 04:39:23PM -0500, Rick Pasotto wrote:
> > > I just tried to upgrade mysql-server which replaces 4.1 with 5.0. The
> > > upgrade aborts because there are supposedly MyISAM files and so I should
> > > reinstall 4.1 to fix them then try the upgrade again.
> > > 
> > > The problem is that mysql-server-4.1 *depends* *on* mysql-server-5.0
> > > (which doesn't make any sense) so apt-get won't let me reinstall 4.1.
> > > 
> > > What should I do now?
> > > 
> > Hi Rick, 
> > Just a point of information: on my sid system:
> > mysql-server-5.0 REPLACES mysql-server-4.1 AND CONFLICTS with it also.
> > Have you check this in the bts:
> > #345895 [FIXED mysql-dfsg-5.0 5.0.18-6]: warn on upgrade if ISAM tables are 
> > present
> > #396657: mysql-server-5.0 fails to start when upgrading it today
> > #385214: mysql-server-5.0: database upgrade from 4.1 to 5.0 doesn't seem to 
> > work right
> > I used 'reportbugs mysql-server-5.0' to read these.
> I used 'querybts' *after* apt-get broke my installation. Are you in the
> habit of checking for bugs on *every* package before upgrading it? I'm not.
Hi Rick,
as you suggest, I dont check for bugs before upgrading. But I do check
after, if there is a problem. And I would make a note in my question to
the list that I did query the bts and that it did not match bug X,Y or Z
so that we know what you tried and that you felt it didnt relate to
those bugs, thus I would know that checking the BTS was already done by
you. The more info, the better all of us can help.
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