Kelly Clowers schrieb:
On 11/11/06, André Wendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm so sick of it. I'm a Debian/testing user running GNOME and would
like to find a decent music player with AAC support. I know this must
have been asked here or elsewhere a thousand times before, but I have
been searching the WWW for too long now.

I haven't been able to find a player that suits my needs. Maybe I
already have it, and just cannot play my files with it. I don't know. Or
maybe all of my 3 requests cannot be served at the same time. :)

What I want:

* MP4/AAC support (unencrypted files)
* manage/browse my music library, preferably with drag and drop support
* GNOME interface (anything that requires kdelibs is IMO not fast enough
and just looks ugly)

Whatever software I have looked at so far, at least one of the above
requirements were not met.

What I have looked at so far:

* Rhythmbox: Can't play MP4/AAC. Gives an error when importing those.
* MPlayer: No library, playback works fine.
* GNOME Listen: Can't play MP4/AAC, despite what was said on [1].
Ignores an import of those.
* Banshee: Can't play MP4/AAC. Imports them, but complains about their
format when wanting to play them.
* XMMS: MP3 sound quality is significantly worse compared to Rhythmbox.
I don't care if that's impossible, I can hear it. :)
* Amarok: Not GNOME, therefore not tested.

If I'm missing anything, please let me know. Don't worry about the
free-ness of your suggestions, I'd gladly install plugins or any other
required package from repos like

Please CC me, I'm not on this list. And please don't complain about
this, my request is CoC-compliant, as can be read on [2]. (We've had
this too many times on debian-laptop.)

If you need any more information about my setup, I'm happy to provide it.



Do you have Marillat's "gstreamer0.10-plugins-really-bad" package
installed? It uses libfaad2 which is apparently the best aac decoder
out there. If you have that, Rhythmbox and Banshee should be able
to handle aac.

Thanks for the info. In fact, I have the package installed, but still cannot play AAC. I just reinstalled rhythmbox, maybe I installed them in wrong order before and something got messed up. (I don't know a lot about music libraries and plugins.)

I'll report back if I made any progress.


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