On Mon, 2006-11-13 at 22:50 +0100, Jarek Buczyński wrote:
> Hi All
> I have two network cards eth0 (public IP Internet) eth1 (private LAN).
> I have firewall script in "/etc/network/if-pre-up.d". Unfortunately
> when my system boots script runs three times.
> How change this (I'd like script starts once)?

First of all, you probably don't want to start your firewall prior to
your interface being brought up (pre-up). This would cause any interface
dependant rules to fail to load. For example,

# this will not load if interface eth0 is not up yet.
iptables --in-interface eth0 --destination --jump DROP

Instead, you probably want to load your firewall rules from a post-up

To only run when a particular interface is brought up, just check the
contents of the IFACE before loading the rules:

if [ "_$IFACE" = "_eth1" ]; then
  # load rules here

or something like that. Alternatively, you could specify a script to run
in your network interfaces file:

iface eth0 dhcp
  post-up /script/to/run.sh


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