Shri Shrikumar:
> 1. Report each ip address that does this. However, a lot of them seems 
> to be from asia with no proper abuse@ address to contact. Additionally, 
> this can be very time consuming.

I do not think you achieve much by doing this. Doing this automatically,
as you suggested below, further reduces your chances.

> 2. Change the port number that ssh uses to something else. This has the 
> annoyance that I need to pass the new port number in each time I want to 
> log-in.

OpenSSH's client reads ~/.ssh/config where you can put these (and a lot
of other) settings. Apparently, this isn't widely known, but 'man 5
ssh_config' is enlightening, especially since you can create short
aliases for your hosts and different settings for the same host with
different aliases.

The houses of parliament make me think of school bullies.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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