On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 09:53:41PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 10:38:45AM -0500, Douglas Tutty wrote:
> > So I use JFS for everything.
> > 
> I'm at the point of replacing one of my reiserfs's on an NFS server with 
> something else for reliability.  (reliability is the *primary* criterion 
> for this server, by the way.  I'd happily give up some speed for 
> reliability)  I was going to go to ext3 because of its venerable age.
> Now you hae me wondering about JFS.
> DO you have any more relevant facts? or links to facts?

There's a filesystem benchmark comparison on ibm's website somewhere (I
don't have the link) and I think an article on the same topic in the
linux gazette (from the installed packages) but I don't have them
installed right now ('production box is small-disk 486, big box is Etch
amd64, small footprint until Etch is stable).

I suppose for ultimate security there's three-disk raid1 in sync?  (Why
doesn't mount have a 'verify' option like dos used to)?

I went from ext3 to reiserfs because ext3 didn't stand up long term to
power failures (then from reiserfs to jfs when it became available).


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