
On 11/26/06, M-L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I hate to ask this, but did you reboot the computer after you did all
things. I know that sounds very other O/Sish, but it will restart certain
processes that might then pick up on the changes you've made.


OK, I tried it now, but didn't work...  In fact, after reboot the sound was
not working (even before KDE).  As usual, "alsaconf" fixed it.

BUT, I've found that another user, logging in KDE did not cause the
problem.  I compared the KDE sound settings and the only difference was that
it had "run highest possible priority" checked.  I tried to do this and did
not help...

Then, since it seemed to be a problem of users config files, I moved .kde
and .kderc to .kde.old and .kderc.old, and restarted KDE.  I then was
prompted for configuration when restarting KDE.  But it did not work...  (I
did run "alsaconf" before starting KDE again.)

Then, I moved .kderc.old and .kde.old to their original "places".  Much to
my surprise, most of my old configuration was lost (background, key bidings,
etc.), but now sound works...

So, I haven't figure out what the problem was, I just have to hope it won't
happen again...  and now I have to redo all my desktop configuration...
(Does any one know why backing up .kde and .kderc did not work?  Are there
other files?)



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