
* Thorsten Haude wrote (2006-11-27 16:33):
>* Sven Arvidsson wrote (2006-11-27 15:54):
>>You can use "dpkg -S /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/mga_drv.o" to find
>>out which package a file belongs to, and reinstall it.
>Thanks for the hint! It's xserver-xfree86, one of the packages I
>already reinstalled. But now I also removed three files left in the
>directory after the purge which I thought could not possibly do any
>harm (mga_drv.o.xf86, mga_drv.0.matrox and mga_hal_drv.0).
>Obviously, they did, now I have my X back in all its non-Xinerama
>glory. The rest should be piecocake.

And it was, just copying the old XF86Config-4 did the trick.

Thanks again!

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