On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 02:52:29PM +0100, Johannes Wiedersich wrote:
> Question: how likely is it that both disks develop bad blocks, while
> none of them is damaged? I'm no expert on this, but I guess a better
> strategy might be to rotate backups on two disks, and use (and check:
> fsck and smartctl) them reguarly.

if the chance of a disk failure is (say) 1% in the time alloted, then
the chance of having a failure with disks is 2%. THe change of any one
particular disk failing is still 1%, it the odds of A failure in the
system as a whole that goes up. So with more disks you're more likely
to have failures of some kind, but the per disk failure stays the same
and the odds of losing ALL of them goes the other way. The odds of
losing BOTH disks is .1%. the question becomes, which one has


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