On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 06:22:01AM -0800, Ottavio Caruso wrote:
> --- Ottavio Caruso  wrote:
> > [Initially posted on alt.os.linux.debian, no replies.}
> > 
> > I believe that one can trim down a standard debootstrap
> > installation
> > (currently 180MB for sarge and over 230 MB for etch) hacking  one
> > of
> > the related scripts (eg: usr/lib/debootstrap/scripts/sarge) and
> > modifying the 'base' variable, e.g.:
> > 
> > base="adduser apt apt-utils libdb4.2 at [... snip ...]"
> > 
> > As the debian-installer uses debootstrap, I have booted the
> > business
> > card install cd and started a shell but couldn't find debootstrap
> > or
> > any related scripts. But debootstrap-udeb has definitely such
> > scripts.
> > Where are they, and how can I access them?
> > 
> > I know I could trim the installation later with deborphan or
> > aptitude, but it wouldn't be fun. Any help appreciated.
> At least could anybody tell me where to ask this question?
> Debian-devel, debian-boot? Debian-administration?
Hi Ottavio,
from my understanding, there exists a live cd with debootstrap (maybe
knoppix?) that can be used to boot a computer. Once it is booted, you
can then use debootstrap anyway you want.

something like:
boot computer with live cd
go to a terminal
partition the hdd
format the hdd
mount the root hdd partition as /mnt
use 'debootstrap .....' to download the packages you want
chroot to /mnt
add kernel and grub
use grub-update
reboot to grub
(untested outline)
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