On Wed, Dec 06, 2006 at 12:13:26AM +0100, Martin Fuzzey wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been succesfully running postfix on Sarge as a local mailserver 
> relaying all outbound mail (from multiple internal accounts) to my ISP.
> However my ISP has just decided to require SMTP authentication.
> So does anyone have any better ideas of how to make this work?
> Regards,
Hi Martin,
I have a few suggestions:
-check other lists at lists.debian.org that deal with exim or debian-isp?
-make a wish list bug report
-ask the Debian postfix maintainer about if its possible with the
current version to do what you want or it he/she'd consider adding it as
you may not be the only person who needs/will need this feature?
Debian seeks to make packages suited to its users needs, if enough
people need this, it may be an included option.

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