From: Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: trying to combine apt-cdrom and apt-get install.....
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 17:03:51 -0800

On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 12:42:20AM +0000, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> >From: Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To:
> >Subject: Re: trying to combine apt-cdrom and apt-get install.....
> >Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 16:28:39 -0800
> >
> >On Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 12:16:24AM +0000, Michael Fothergill wrote:
> >>
> >> But maybe there is some smart way to combine the apt-cdrom
> >-d/media/cdrom1
> >> stuff with apt-get install so that I can specify the DVD drive.....
> >>
> >
> >why are you not just pulling packages from the net?
> I could do it, but I prefer using the DVDs. My idea is to get to a state
> where I bootstrap download DVD images using jigdo and thus minimise the
> load on the debian servers and also to then exclusively use the DVDs
> locally on my machine from then on permanently so as to further reduce
> antisocial load on the servers.

ISTM that downloading the whole thing at once would actually use more
bandwidth than downloading pieces as you go as you almost certainly
won't need the entire system. Most people get most of what they want
off the first 2 cd's. but you probably already know that.

OK, let me deal with that. The best way to do it would be as follows. You would buy the first set of CDs/DVDs from a vendor. So if it were for Sarge 3.1r0, then you would use jidgo to bootstrap to new CD images for Sarge 3.1r1, then again for Sarge3.1r2, then r3 and r4 etc. The number of new files you would download then would be small I would imagine and most of the work jogdo would do would be to rearrange files on the CD or DVD images you started with from the vendor.

I am not finished. You could use the last edition of Sarge before Etch is released as a stable version to bootstrap the downloading of Etch using jigdo. Since Etch is about 5 CDs longer than Sarge this would probably be a down load of about 6CDs worth of new stuff plus alot of rearranging of recycled existing stuff from your Sarge CDs or DVDs to synthesise the new Etch release isos using jigdo.

I guess you could try to get the vendors to sell only the CDs with the new information on them relative to the last release e.g. Etch relative to Sarge. You could then use jigdo to tidy up the mess and stitch your old CDs or DVDs to the new bridging CD and then make your new set.

This would reduce parasitic farting around on the servers to a minimum.

Comments appreciated.

> This is the idea.  I am have also installed Debian on my machine at work
> and am now about to put it on another one in the laboratory (I run my own
> company so I can choose the OS for the business as it grows).

Don't you love that!. I do! I just got rid of my last work related win
box and am now lobbying my wife for her box too... heh heh. That
leaves me with point-of-sale running on dos. that won't change anytime soon.

  These are
> old machines so they run on CD drives not DVDs but they are not connected > to the internet. If I get more capital into the business I would get some
> more and newer machines but probably not have an internet link to all of
> them.

you know, I love old underpowered machines cause they get a new lease
on life with debian. Throw a $5 net card in them and away you go. And
depending on what your computing needs are, it may be cheaper to do
that and network them all than to upgrade the hardware. ymmv.

  So CDs and DVDs are useful to me.

no doubt. I was just curious because you were spending a lot of effort
on it and I wondered how critical it was.


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