> 1) How would I open ftp ports after doing an apt-get install proftpd?

On Debian, all ports are "open" by default (but there are not many
services listening, so it doesn't matter). If a service is being
installed, it can be assumed that it should actually be available. FTP
uses ports 20 and 21 (tcp), so if Ubuntu has some iptables rules
effective by default, you should make exceptions for these ports.

> 2) What is the initial port configuration for Dapper Drake

This is a strange question to ask anywhere outside of Ubuntu forums. ;-)

> and how do we control the opening and closing of ports for various
> "apt-get"  packages and for "home brew" code such as perl networking
> code development?

Apt doesn't know about TCP ports at all. You do not allow network access
per package but per IP address/port (or other criteria). The most basic
tool for this is iptables (which in turn uses the Netfilter code in the
kernel) or more advanced/easy tools like shorewall or ipmasq.

At night I go to the kitchen; specifically, the knife drawer.
[Agree]   [Disagree]

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