On Tue, Dec 19, 2006 at 01:05:21PM -0500, Angelo Bertolli wrote:
> I did do a lot of surfing a few years ago on which one to use.  I read 
> comparison charts, etc.  I ended up having to use both.  And my 
> impression was, "why did everyone make such a big deal about which one 
> to use?  They seem almost identical."  I think to the novice it seems 
> more like a big deal is made, also because a novice will probably not 
> see the differences very much anyhow.
I think the big deal was made over the following key issues:

- cvs is basically abandonware (all the devs went on to create svn)
- cvs is insecure (svn can be also, but it supports multiple secure
- if you generally *like* cvs, then svn is a piece of cake

Now, there are plenty of people who hate cvs and likewise hate svn, but
in general, people prefer svn over cvs.  Now, if you are a fan of arch
or bitkeeper or some other more distributed SCM tool, then neither cvs
nor svn will meet your needs.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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