I am new to Linux and am trying to install Debian Linux (Sarge) on an HP
LC2000r.  This server has a NetRAID controller 3Si.  There are 3 hard
disks and they are configured as RAID 5.  When I reach the point in the
installation where the hard disks are discovered the process fails
saying "no partitionable media were found".  Do you have some
instructions on how to install this OS on the RAID level hard disks?
I have seen this message before installing Windows and I believe that
this means that the appropriate RAID controller drivers are not
available.  In the Windows environment I would install the drivers and
proceed.  I am not sure if it is that easy in Linux.  I also can not
find the appropriate drivers and I do not know how to interrupt the
installation to install them.  That is if this is even the issue.
Since I am new to Linux I would really appreciate it if the explanation
is in its simplest form.  That does not mean that I am computer
illiterate, just new to Linux.  Please don't assume that I will
understand anything but the simplest Linux commands.  However, I follow
direction extremely well.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.

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