Am 2006-12-15 16:04:50, schrieb Erik Persson:
> Grok Mogger wrote:
> >I've often seen this touted as a good security measure and I've always 
> >wondered why.  I can think of a few possibilities, but I really don't 
> >know.  Could someone please explain it to me?
> >
> >Thanks,
> >- GM
> 1. When a hacker tries to attack a site he (or she) has to guess 2 
> separate strings - the username and the password. The former is often 
> easier to guess and is not as well guarded. There is however a bit of 
> guessing involved in finding a username. For root this is not the case. 
> You don't have to guess the username "root" - it's always there. If you 

You can rename "root" to "only.root.can.login"  :-)

Hackers will look realy bad, if no root is there...
                                  ...your ADMIN colegues too!

I have done this on a Test-System in Paris too and they have
tried to brutforce the machine several month without success.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
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