On Sun, 2006-12-31 at 21:46 +0000, Digby Tarvin wrote:
> Mind you - it still looks like xlockmore and xearth disappeared from
> the official packages with only an automated acknowledgement that
> they are gone rather than an explanation:
>       http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xlockmore/news/20061119T233918Z.html
>       http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xearth/news/20060610T210838Z.html
> And a were it not for those examples of things that had disappeared
> from the official packages I probably would have been less quick
> to jump to conclusions about xv ;)

xlockmore is only removed from testing, not from the entire Debian
archive. http://packages.qa.debian.org/x/xlockmore.html (See the section
Problems and the "Check why" link).

xearth was removed from Debian as it was orphaned, non-free, and
succeeded by xplanet. Once again, a link from packages.qa.debian.org
reveals this information.

By the way, I did find this link,
it seems to list all removed packages with corresponding bug numbers.
Isn't this what you were looking for?

Sven Arvidsson
PGP Key ID 760BDD22

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