
On Thu, Jan 04, 2007 at 04:37:12PM -0800, HomeNet NW wrote:
> Never mind, everyone.  I figured it out.  My apologies for posting to the 
> listserv.

great that you figured it out! So what was the problem? Someone else
may see your thread and be anxiously awaiting the resolution ...

>     >> Some of my users are getting emails every day that say "Your mailbox:
>     >> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is ## full. Once your e-mail box has exceeded your
>     >> monthly storage quota your monthly billing will be automatically
>     >> adjusted." I thought this message was from Postfix, but I've searched
>     >> all of the configuration files and haven't found any reference to it.
>     >> I need to change the message because we do NOT charge our users for
>     >> going over their quotas--I just want to warn them so they'll clean
>     >> their stuff  off the server.
> > What mail server (e.g., Cyrus, Courier IMAP, etc) are you using to allow
> > the users access to their messages? It is likely that one that is
> > generating the message.
> Courier IMAP
>     >> Does anyone know where I would change the wording of this message? I
>     >> am not using VHCS, so the site you find through Google will not help.

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