On Mon, Jan 08, 2007 at 09:11:28PM -0500, Grok Mogger wrote:
> Hey,
> I was recently connecting from one host to another via ssh, and 
> the remote host's host key had changed.  I was expecting this 
> change (I made it myself in fact), so naturally I just wanted to 
> connect anyway, despite the warning that SSH gave me, and update 
> my known_hosts file.
> I could not find a graceful way to do this.  After hacking 
> around enough, I noticed that SSH told me which line of my 
> known_hosts file contained the old key.  I just removed that 
> line and voila.  But I was anticipating some pretty command or 
> command-line option for ssh that would replace the key 
> automatically.  Is there any such option?  Or does everyone out 
> there basically do what I did?
What you did.  You would never want ssh to automatically replace the
known_hosts entry.  It would completely compromise the security of ssh.
You should manually chech the fingerprint.  In this case, since you made
the change, you can implicitly trust yourself that it is the correct



Roberto C. Sanchez

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