On Tue, Jan 09, 2007 at 11:35:24AM -0500, Mitchell Laks wrote:
> I have been using icewm and I have noticed
> funny behavior of emacs windows.
> If I maximize an emacs window, and try to
> move it right or left, (for instance on a two monitor
> x window), it RESISTS moving and "moves back to where
> it came from". Complete with flashing and flickering
> of the window. It is amazing to see. How to turn this
> off? 
> If for instance I shift click the title bar to move the window
> it also resists.
> How do I break down the emacs maximized resistance to
> moving. I use a two monitor system. the maximized emacs
> stays and fills one of the windows without moving.

how do other maximized windows behave? maybe you could "manually"
maximize it instead of using the wm's maximize widget.


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