On Wed, Jan 10, 2007 at 02:06:20PM +0000, Jon Dowland wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 11, 2007 at 12:52:01AM +1100, Duncan McDonald
> wrote:
> > As I said I'm fairly new to system administration so I'm
> > not sure what an MX record is.
> Domains are mapped to IP addresses via DNS records. DNS
> records come in a variety of types: the most common being
> the 'A' record, which specifies an address. But there's also
> the MX record, which specifies a host that is responsible
> for receiving mail for the domain in question.  So, some
> examples
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dig +short alcopop.org mx
>       10 alcopop.org.
>       20 despayre.org.
> That means if you want to send mail to my domain
> alcopop.org, you should try to connect to host alcopop.org,
> and failing that, despayre.org as a backup.
>       [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dig +short greenmars.org mx
>       0 smtp.secureserver.net.
>       10 mailstore1.secureserver.net.
> Here, if you want to mail greenmars.org, you should connect
> to smtp.secureserver.net. This is because I have the
> greenmars.org domain "parked". Mail to this domain will not
> reach me.

okay, so I had to try this to learn and 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ dig +short bigpond.com mx
10 extmail.bigpond.com.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping www.bigpond.com
PING www.bigpond.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=233 time=212 ms

cool, but...

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ ping extmail.bigpond.com
PING extmail.bigpond.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from extmail.bigpond.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=234
time=364 ms

that's a different IP. looks to me like the MX record is wrong.

Am I doing that right?


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