Andrei Popescu wrote:
On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 10:24:30 -0500
macondo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your main problem is the configuration of xserver-xorg but you don't offer any of the errors that you should be getting (EE)

Actually he did in the first post.

Sorry, i didn't get the first one.

Get rid of gdm and do not install any dm, it's a waste of resources,
a user with an old box cannot afford, use startx.

# dpkg -P gdm

dpkg? why not 'apt-get --purge gdm'?

Same thing, apt-get is just a front-end for dpkg.

As for your xorg problems, install the following packages:


Why the -all packages? xserver-xorg-input-kbd and
xserver-xorg-input-mouse should be enough for the input part and for
video the xserver-xorg-video-vesa (to try Mirco Piccin's suggestion)
and the coresponding driver for his video card.

Why not? i just want to make sure something is not missing.

Install icewm or fluxbox, or whatever you fancy, forget about Gnome
or KDE, not with that kind of box.

Edit your .xinitrc:

$ nano .xinitrc (it will be blank)

and leave it looking like this:


numlockx &

You don't need to have a .xinitrc (I don't). startx will use
x-window-manager (or x-session-manager) which can be configured with
update-alternatives. If icewm is the only wm than it will be that one

If indeed it's the only one, what's wrong with .xinitrc? it's simple and you don't have to learn 'update-alternatives. Besides with .xinitrc or .xsession you can include apps to start when you enter the X system



KISS protocol - Keep It Simple, Stupid
PII 266 128 MB RAM - Sid (Sidux) - IceWM/Ratpoison

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