> When installing, debian-installer cannot recognize my card, and gives
> me a list of modules. In it is ``3c509'', but without a letter.
> However, it does say ``3Com Etherlink III'', so I select it.
> DHCP fails, despite the fact that my router has DHCP enabled, and many
> other computers in my house are using it. Setting up static IP does
> not work either. However, the corresponding light on my router does
> light up, and, what's more, when I run ``dhclient eth0'', my router
> claims that the computer connected to it, and got the IP
> (I can tell by the MAC address that it is my computer). However, the
> computer itself is simply saying that it got no DHCPOFFERS.
> I am at a total loss here. It is clear that the card is working,
> because, at the very least, the MAC Address is being transferred.
> However, I cannot connect anywhere, including to
> Any ideas?

try knoppix, see if there are any parameters being passed to the module
that corresponds to the interface.

you may want to try the "expert" install for etch.

also during the install switch to a different VC. try modprobing or
insmoding various modules. check actual settings for the interface with
'ifconfig -a'.

if you believe in voodoo, move the nic to a different pci slot.

Matt Zagrabelny - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - (218) 726 8844
University of Minnesota Duluth
Information Technology Systems & Services
PGP key 1024D/84E22DA2 2005-11-07
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He is not a fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot
-Jim Elliot

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