On Wed, Jan 24, 2007 at 03:43:26PM -0600, John C wrote:
> Wow! and you don't think that's fanaticism?? :-)

    Nope.  Want to know what I call fanaticism?

> <cut>
> I'll just cut out the "so-called" facts over which you and I will 
> never agree. (I've heard them all before-thank you)

    "Don't bother me with facts", that is fanaticism.  When one is presented
with evidence and facts contrary to one's position and discards the facts
instead of their position.  Given what you just said above I'd say that's you,
not me.

> Let's just say that I never use a computer in a pitch black room, it's
> always well lighted.

    Bully for you.  And you're the only computer user on the planet?  Defaults
exist to work resonibly well in a large number of situations, not be ideal for
each individual user.  The ideal is impossible which is why things are
configurable.  Given that white on black works in most situations where black
on white does not that means the former should be the default and the latter
left to the preference of those who have different needs outside the norm.

> The point of this discussion is that users are being turned off 
> by the insistence that they should only post in the manner that 
> the "educated" think they should - "bottom posting only please."

   As many of us have pointed out, bottom posting is no better than top
posting.  Interleaving is the correct standard.  And as I said before,
learning how to communicate is part of being educated guess what that means
when you post in an unconventional manner.  You come off as uneducated.  This
is no different than when people hear other people speaking in several
dialects around the world that marks one self as an uneducated individual.  Be
ie "Ebonics", "Redneck", "Cockney" or any other regional variety of a
language.  Considering interleaving posting has existed since the early-to-mid
80s and top-posting only came en voque sometime in the late 90s guess which
one is the guttersnipe dialect of the internet.  
> Correcting someone who happens to top-post on this list is 
> nothing other than imposing the personal preference of the 
> individual doing the correcting.
    Incorrect.  It is pointing out that if they want to speak in public they
had best learn how to speak PROPERLY.  I mean how many people think Bush is an
idiot because of how he speaks publicly?  No different.

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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