
A similar error to the one I reported the other day concerning a jigdo download of a DVD from the amd64 RC1 Etch release.

A missing file has interrupted the download again.

I am ccing the debian-cd list on this as requested by Steve Mcintyre who kindly fixed the problem the last time it occured.

This time it is DVD#3 of the amd64 set.

Here is some output with the problem file in it:

`'), or enter any regular expression
for searching through the list of mirrors: Try a two-letter
country code such as `de', or a country name like `United
States', or a server name like `sunsite'.
Debian mirror []: n/

Not downloading .template file - `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.template' alread y present

Merging parts from `file:' URIs, if any...
Found 0 of the 1 files required by the template
Copied input files to temporary file `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmp' - r epeat command and supply more files to continue --19:13:03-- amd64.deb => `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmpdir/ an/pool/main/a/aladin/aladin_1.19-7_amd64.deb'
Resolving failed: Name or service not known.
Skipping object `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmpdir' (No such file or dire ctory)
Found 0 of the 1 files required by the template
Copied input files to temporary file `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmp' - r epeat command and supply more files to continue

1 files not found in previous pass, trying
alternative download locations:

--19:13:04-- ladin/aladin_1.19-7_amd64.deb => `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmpdir/ image/snapshot/Debian/pool/main/a/aladin/aladin_1.19-7_amd64.deb'
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 52,640 (51K) [application/x-debian-package]

100%[====================================>] 52,640       110.50K/s

19:13:04 (109.93 KB/s) - `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmpdir/' sav ed [52640/52640]

Found 0 of the 1 files required by the template
Copied input files to temporary file `debian-testing-amd64-binary-3.iso.tmp' - r epeat command and supply more files to continue

Aaargh - 1 files could not be downloaded. This should not
happen! Depending on the problem, it may help to retry downloading
the missing files.
Also, you could try changing to another Debian or Non-US server,
in case the one you used is out of sync.


The problem file is: aladin_1.19-7_amd64.deb.


Michael Fothergill

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