Hal Vaughan wrote:

> On Sunday 28 January 2007 18:42, Paul Johnson wrote:
>> Stephen R Laniel wrote:
>> > On Sat, Jan 27, 2007 at 11:03:59AM -0500, Roberto C. Sanchez wrote:
>> >> Please quit top posting.
>> >
>> > Here is a script that I banged out in a few minutes, which
>> > surely needs much improvement but will hopefully go some way
>> > toward making the top-posting "debate" -- which is surely
>> > the least interesting debate in the history of computing --
>> > go away:
>> >
>> > http://laniels.org/scripts/top_post_fixer.pl.txt
>> >
>> > This will tag all the lines in a given message by whether
>> > they're raw line or one containing a quote. It's primitive,
>> > but hopefully it's enough of a start that someone can expand
>> > upon it and end the spectacularly stupid debate.
>> Why should the reader have to fix spectacularly broken presentation
>> on behalf of the writer?  If they want an audience, they should do it
>> right the first time.  It's not like this is anything new, RFC1855 is
>> 12 years old now.  People should just not learn from Outlook and
>> expect it to be the way the Internet works.
> Oh, and everyone that uses e-mail spends their time reading every RFC
> out there.

I don't expect them to.  Though I do expect them to learn

> Remember you're always going to be dealing with newbies -- at least
> until kids grow up writing e-mail the right way, and it'll take a while
> for that to happen.

I'm 25, I grew up doing it the right way.  Though thanks for reminding me
that in addition to the Echo Boomers that I'm a part of, there was a
simultaneous, much dumber, Beavis and Butthead Generation competing for
jobs and oxygen, and driving up the demand for food and affordable housing
for the rest of us capable of independent thought.  :o)

Oddly enough, though, it's usually Gen X'ers or Baby Boomers of questionable
mental stability I've encountered with this problem.

> Face it: Usenet isn't the only place where September is eternal.

September ended.  AOL is gone from Usenet and is becoming more of a walled
community of idiots now that it's free for the idiots to self-segregate
without losing their current ISP.

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