Florian Kulzer wrote:

Check which theme you have selected in "Control Center > Appearance &
Themes > Icons". "Crystal SVG" should be a safe bet.

This was the one I had selected. However I did go to the Icons page. I left "Crystal SVG" selected but, in addition selected "Default" and then "Apply". The icons miraculously reappeared! They were still the "Crystal SVG" icons.

If all else fails you can rename ~/.kde and ~/.kderc so that new
versions (with default settings) will be created when you start KDE (or
log in with KDM) the next time. You will lose all your other
customizations of the settings if you do this, though.

I would have tried this if all else had failed. I did discover that file ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals contains the following entry, among many others:


Since this entry did not change, I can only assume that that setting somehow got broken and it only took what I did a few minutes ago to fix it. If I had to start over again, re-customization would have been quite a task! Thanks, Florian for the help.

                                Ken Heard
                                Toronto, Canada

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