On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 03:20:25PM EST, Stephen wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 04, 2007 at 12:12:38PM -0500 or thereabouts, cga2000 wrote:
> > Other things the OP could check:
> OK I'm trying the following on a *.php file.
> > :set compatible?
> nocompatible

looks ok -- vim has a "bare vi" mode that does not support fancy stuff
like syntax hilighting

> > :set t_Co?
> t_Co=8

I assume that when you say syntax highlighting is not working you're
not seeing any colors, right?

t_Co is the number of supported colors .. I have it set at 256.

> > :echo g:colors_name
> Two errors.
> E121: Undefined variable: g:colors_name
> E15: Invalid expression: g:colors_name

That may be of interest .. vim supports "colorschemes" -- ie. themes ..
But it could very well be that the variable is unset and the
colorscheme defaults to a ... well, "default" value..

In vim, you could try:


.. followed by a <TAB> (completion) and vim should prompt you with the
available colorschemes. See what happens when you set the colorscheme
to whatever comes with the default install..

> Thanks for your time.

As mentioned earlier, if you're really stuck there are some very
knowledgeable folks on the vim ML ..  They should be able to help



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