On 2007-02-07 14:03:44 -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         But for xhtml, there is a perfectly fine DTD, and one can
>  easily generate DTD's for anything with a XML schema; so this is
>  very rarely an issue in practice.

I don't think one can always generate a DTD. There are lots of XML
files that use various namespaces (though these files are generally
generated, one may sometimes want to edit them, to fix things or
whatever). Anyway if psgml can't generate DTD's automatically and
transparently, that's quite useless.

>         xslt is quite a different kettle of fish than just writing an
>  XML document.  As I said above, as far as psml is concerned, XML
>  appears to be a subset of SGML (the non-subset features of XML are
>  not relevant to psgml).

But XSLT files are XML documents. An editor that can't edit them
can't be called an XML editor.

>         In most cases, psgml is a better fit than nxml mode for
>  editing XML documents.

I disagree. Relax NG schemas are much more powerful than DTD's.
So, as long as one has a Relax NG schema, nXML mode is better
than psgml.

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
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