gunnar wrote:
I've carried out a network-installation of debian-31r4-i386-netinst.iso and my problem is that I cannot shut it down. The only way of shutting it down seems to be to press the Reset-button, choose my Windows-partition in GRUB and carry out the shutdown from Windows. Thank God for my Windows-partition, without it I would have to pull the plug to shut down Debian. Can anybody tell me a better way of shutting down Debian? Gunnar Sjöö

Hi, Gunnar,

I've read through several responses to your question (7, to be exact;) and all point out valid ideas and methods.

But no one has asked you what 'system task' you installed? Are you running a base only install or did you do a command line only server setup? Or, did you go with the default task list and get a GUI desktop?

If you did the GUI desktop, then there are other alternative, accessed in several different ways, depending in part on which GUI you installed, or where you are in the GUI setup.

Since I use KDE, I can provide some details for how to shutdown with it. Similar ideas apply for Gnome, but you'll need to poke around a bit to find them, or maybe someone on the list can help.

On startup, you should see a graphical login screen. As noted, I use KDE, so my login is controlled by a program called 'kdm' (K display manager). There is a 'box' with lines for user name and password, plus some buttons along the bottom. One of these is labeled "Menu" and has a selection in it called "Shutdown". Selecting this will let you shutdown your system directly, with options to power off, restart or cancel.

If, on the other hand, you've logged in, you can right click with the mouse pointer over the "desktop" (background), which produces a menu with a number of options, the one you want being 'Log out "user"' (where 'user' is replaced by your login name) which will bring up another window with 4 selections. The "End Current Session" just logs you out, the next two will power down or reboot, and the last is to just 'Cancel'.


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