conn intel wrote:
> Hello friends,
> I am using debian for few yrs.but i havent seen such problem.. I have
> installed it on pentium III machine and i could not able to do startx.
> I am not getting graphical version. could anyone give their
> suggestions..?
> Here is the XF86config-4 , XFree86.0.log and gdm.log are attached with
> this email.
> Thank You..
> Have a Nice time and good day ahead.
> Ankur.

I don't see any obvious errors in your XFree86.0.log.

However, I'm confused by your mention of "startx" and inclusion of a
gdm.log file. If gdm is running, then I would expect "startx" to fail.
If gdm tried to start, but failed, and then you manually tried "startx",
I'm unsure if gdm might not still be causing blockage (although I don't
think so).

Can you give us a bit more detail? Do you, or do you not have gdm
installed? Is gdm trying to start and then failing? Are you then trying
to run "startx"? Are you doing so as a normal user or as root (I believe
root will fail on "startx" by default)? Are you getting any error
messages that are not part of the log files you've included? Has it ever
worked on this machine? What is the output of "lspci"? How much RAM is
on your video card? Have you tried the "vga" driver in XF86Config-4
instead of "vesa", or have you tried dropping the DefaultDepth from 24
to 16?

Kent West
Westing Peacefully <>

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