Hi all,

I need to find a detailed documenteation about setting up networks using
the Virtual Distribuited Ethernet.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Until now no luck with:

    debian package documentation
    debian reference
    googling around

This is because I'm trying to setup a Qemu virtual machine with two
network cards; but so far I was unsuccessful.
Qemu is ok; ifconfig in the virtual machine seems ok
The real machine seems ok with two TAP interfaces.

Qemu is started with the command:
vdeq qemu -m 256 -net nic,vlan=1,macaddr=52:54:00:12:03:00 -net
vde,vlan=1,sock=/var/run/vde2/tap1.ctl -net
nic,vlan=1,macaddr=52:54:00:12:04:00 -net
vde,vlan=1,sock=/var/run/vde2/tap2.ctl -boot c -hda '/Qemu/etch/disk1' &




Mirto Silvio Busico             ICT Consultant
Tel. +39 333 4562651

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