On Mon, Feb 12, 2007 at 09:27:13AM +0100, Joe Hart wrote:
> How can anyone outside of MS support the software?  If one does not 
> understand the internal workings, one cannot adequately support the 
> software.


I would submit that most mechanics are not mechanical or automotive
engineers.  That being the case, they can still hook the car up to test
equipment, identify faulty components and replace them.  In many cases,
the owner of the vehicle is not capable of doing this himself.  So, you
don't need to be expert in the internal workings just to support it.

At work, I support as a sysadmin lots of Linux servers and workstations.
I am no expert in the internal workings of lots of things (most of the
kernel, Samba, OpenOffice).  That does not stop me from adequately
supporting those things.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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