On Sun, Feb 18, 2007 at 11:14:08AM -0600, Nate Bargmann wrote:
> Last night I downloaded the latest daily snapshot of the Etch installer
> for i386 from http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/ and chose
> the net-install image.  Upon booting I pressed F1 for more options and
> then one of the others (F3?) for boot options and found that
> "installgui" would start the GUI installer.
One of the use cases for the gui installer aka g-i was the need to
address installation in certain non-english languages. Now folks who
speak some popular indic languages can install Debian in their native
language. woot!  And some of the installer question were removed and
made into defaults so that users didn't need to answer un-needed
question. As you found out, a vast imporvment was made to the process
when compared to boot-floppies :-) As for the progress bar, I'm sure a
wishlist bug might help there.
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