
has anybody running VMware server & sound (with amd64)?

Error, when starting vm:
Failed to open sound device /dev/dsp: Device or resource busy
Virtual device sound will start disconnected.

What I've already done:
- installed vmwaredsp (1.3)
- made a symlink from /usr/lib/libvmdsp* to /usr/lib32/libvmdsp* to get rid of 
the "could not preload libvmdsp.so" error
- I checked to see the LD_PREOLAD in /proc/{vmware-thread}/environ and the 
libvmdsp.so in /proc/{vmware-thread}/maps, BUT I MISS THEM 
in  /proc/{vmware-vmx-thread}/
- tried many magic found in google, but given up now

Thanks for any suggestions,

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