During periods of boredom I sometimes check on the current status of
desktop environments (I myself have been an icon-less fvwm man from day
1), so for giggles I installed the package gnome-desktop-environment and
played a bit with it.

Getting back to serious things I started my usual fvwm environment but
noticed that the cursors had changed. This doesn't bother me much, but
one CAD application that I frequently use normally sets the cursor to a
cross-like shape that faciliates aiming with pixel precision. I think
this is one of the starndard X cursors. But now the cursor is a chubby,
opaque cross that isn't well suited to this application.

I shredded everything that started with .gnome in my home directory and
restarted X, but the cursors retained theor gnomish look. So it seems
that gnome-desktop (or rather, some package that it depends on) messes
with the cursors on a system level.

This is not good, as it changes the behavior on the system even for
users that don't want to have anything to do with gnome. Does anybody
have an idea who changes the cursors and how these changes can be
restricted to gnome sessions only?


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