Joe Hart wrote:

Sorry to butt in here, but I think a point needs to be made.  A large
number of modern websites do not allow the viewer to choose how to view
the page.  If the browser window is too large, empty space will appear
on both sides.  If the browser window is too small, the view will be

Yes, that was part of my point--many webpages are written poorly,
violating the design and intent of HTML and the web.

> If the page is well written, scrollbars may appear.

What you do mean?

(Scrollbars appear normally automatically, so it doesn't a page doesn't
have to be written well to make them appear.  It just has to to _not_
be written so poorly that it suppresses scrollbars (which you could
say is written well enough for them to appear).)

Also, the appearance of a horizontal scrollbar frequently is an
indication of a page's being poorly written.)

> Quite
frequently webmasters choose fonts that are so small that they are
almost non-legible, and one must increase the text size.

Yes, that's another widespread problem.

Hopefully this is a fad.

Unfortunately, it's not a fad which we could hope they'd get tired of
and drop.  Much of it is ignorance (even of the fact that things look
different on other people's screens because their settings (font size,
screen size, browser, OS even) are different).

Of course, part of it is Microsoft's bad default configuration of IE
(to display HTML-default-sized text in a large physical font, inducing
many web page designers to start off by trying to reduce the font
size, messing things up for everyone with a properly adjusted browser
(an adjusted IE or a browser with better defaults)).

> The whole idea of HTML was to allow the browser to adapt to the user.

Definitely (or, more precisely, it's to allow the browser to adapt the
content to the user).

> Someone decided to throw that ideology out the window.

Or was too irresponsible to even notice that that was the ideology.


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