On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 01:47:21AM +0000, Tyler Smith wrote:
> On 2007-02-19, Andrew Sackville-West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All I can
> > suggest is that you eliminate *every* process that you don't need in
> > order to do your thing. If you're running emacs -nw, then you  must be
> > running X in some form, do you need it? If not, get rid of it -- X
> > will on occaision demand some cpu. If it works out to a couple % over
> > a couple days, you're looking at an h our or so.=20
> >
> Thanks for the suggestion. As I'm working with one machine I do
> eliminate all processes I don't need, but I keep X, fluxbox, and a
> terminal or two open so I can work on my thesis in emacs while I'm
> waiting for paup to run. I imagine if I reconfig my startup stuff I
> could login without X, start running paup, then start X while I'm
> working, and kill X when I'm done, leaving paup undisturbed. I'll take
> a look at this. Thanks!

I don't doubt that you've got a pretty light-weight setup there, but
you haven't mentioned anything that requires you to run X yet... :)

just pointing it out. 


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