On Tue, Feb 20, 2007 at 09:13:32PM +0000, andy wrote:
> Hi all
> Potentially a dumb query but I just don't know, and there doesn't seem 
> to be any documented discussion I can read, so pls humor me on this:
> after Etch has done its daily update via update mngr, is it generally 
> considered a wise thing to reboot the computer to check the take or can 
> one have a reasonably good degree of confidence that as far as is 
> reasonable to predict, all will be well?

depends on what gets upgraded (you *do* review the upgrades,
right?). If you've got some new core thing (kernel, xorg, udev, etc.)
then I'd make sure to review the changelogs to see what's up. For
example, recent xorg updates have been translations -- no biggie. But
if it was something core to the functioning of xorg, a reboot (or
restart of X) might be in order. Likewise with a kernel update.



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