
Here is an excerpt from Xen Development that I think applies to your situation. There do not appear to be a lot of Debian possibilities as near as I can find out. But I'm still forging around. Your questions are further down.

Here is the scoop from Xen Development regarding AMD.
Thanks, Ted

Hello Ted,

2. Are there any recent Xen binaries that integrate well with Debian? There seems to be little to no activity on the Debian-User list.with only one or two people having successfully established a Xen system. There also seems to be some kind of problem with the single 686 Xen package which seems to have replaced an older AMD package which has disappeared.

we are successfully using xen-hypervisor-3.0.3-1-amd64 on Etch with kernel 2.6.18-3-xen-amd64. Unfortunately 3.0.4 and other versions will not be officially available in Etch and I am still seeking a good alternate repository.


Also, for what it is worth I understand that the version 10.2 Open SuSE Xen integration performs very well. I am thinking about comparing it with the above Debian recommendation. I'm not sure about the kernel versions in that for every new kernel there must be an associated Xen overlay. Nor am I sure just how compatible the DomU kernels need to be in order to operate with the primary kernel system or Xen Dom0 system. I will have to find out about this. But please note the specific packages mentioned above by Bjoern. You should use the specific packages and not some alternative.

Hope this information helps.

Michelle Konzack wrote:

Hello Unknown Admin,

Am 2007-02-17 00:07:47, schrieb Admin:
BTW if anyone (I've seen a few Xen emails like the one where the AMD package disappeared only to be replaced by a 686 based Xen package that crashed) would like to set up a Debian Xen thread maybe we could help one another as it seems that this virtualization thing does not interest most people. But I think it's the future for computing.

Thanks to all and SNIP away at what you don't want and comment on what you do want -- I welcome the dialog.

I run currently a Development-Workstation where I need to run Debian
(Unstable, Testing, Stable and Oldstable), (K)Ubunto, Embedian, Redhat,
Novel/SuSE and Mandrake/Mandrive in parallel.

For this I use chroots which are startet directly from an INIT script.

I like to drop the Chroot stuff and want to switch to Xen but encountered
massive errors and bugs...

I was using an Amd Athlon XP 3000+ using Xen-k7 (Installed form DVD).
Then after an Online-Upgrade it was gone and since then I have no
Machine anymore.  Installing chroots again to get my Machine working
took me over one week...  (I run 8 X-Server parallel)

Now, my CPU is gone (Socket A and I do not find a Used one from a
trustfull source) I replaced the mainboard with an GA686LX and a P2/333
with 512 MB of memory and Xen worked again...

But running 8 X-Server in Parallel is not realy recommended on this
machine.  :-)

I have tried to compile my own Xen-Kernel but failed...

Is there a Step-by-Step docu/howto HOW to build your OWN Xen-Kernel
on a Debian-System?

Yes, but I will have to find it as it's been about 2 years since I was involved with Xen Development. I do recall a recent Xen list member asking for the same information which is apparently tucked away on one of their web pages.

And of curse, which packages must I install t get this Pig running with
a K7?


Is there someone who want to sponsor (or give up an unused) a AMD
Athlon XP with at least 2400MHz (and mybe some PC2700 512MByte or
1 GByte memories) for Development?  I am in Strasbourg/France.
Address and Telephone is in the signature.

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
   Michelle Konzack
   Tamay Dogan Network
   Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

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